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Peace clubs

Self-Evolving Peace Groups

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Before teaching students to read and write, we must teach them discipline. Self-reflection, self-control, self-awareness, and self-decision making are essential life skills that must be instilled in them. Education should be designed to help them understand their connection to society and take responsibility for themselves to emerge as responsible citizens.


Gandhi envisioned an education system that would cultivate inner strength, leading to outer strength, and ultimately, make knowledge and welfare accessible to all. However, we have deviated from this path, resulting in the current prevalence of violence and terrorism.


To counter this, we must emphasise values like tolerance, sacrifice, sharing, simple living, protecting natural resources, self-discipline, humility and non-violence. These values must be instilled in the impressionable young minds from the beginning, even before teaching subjects like science, maths, history and the like.


Teachers and parents must work together to achieve this goal. The Chennai based Gandhi Peace Foundation has been working towards this noble objective for over 60 years. They have been helping schools, colleges, and households establish Gandhi Peace Groups, where teachers, students, and parents can come together to think, discuss and practise the above-said values.

Those interested in joining this initiative can contact gpfchennai@gmail.com  for more information. A one-day training program will be held on July 21st in Chennai, and online classes will also be available for those who cannot attend in person. Educational institutions interested in starting Gandhi Peace Groups can also reach out for more information.

Peace Groups in Schools and Colleges ​

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Before teaching students to read and write, we must teach them discipline. Self-reflection, self-control, self-awareness, and self-decision making are essential life skills that must be instilled in them. Education should be designed to help them understand their connection to society and take responsibility for themselves to emerge as responsible citizens.


Gandhi envisioned an education system that would cultivate inner strength, leading to outer strength, and ultimately, make knowledge and welfare accessible to all. We must emphasise values like tolerance, sacrifice, sharing, simple living, protecting natural resources, self-discipline, fraternity, humility and non-violence. These values must be instilled in the impressionable young minds from the beginning, even before teaching subjects like science, maths, history and the like.


Teachers and parents must work together to achieve this goal. The Chennai based Gandhi Peace Foundation has been working towards this noble objective for over 60 years. They have been helping schools, colleges, and households establish Gandhi Peace Groups, where teachers, students, and parents can come together to think, discuss and practise the above-said values.

GPF's Initiative

The Chennai based Gandhi Peace Foundation (GPF) opens this year ‘Students’ Peace Groups’ in schools and colleges with an aim to empower students to think, talk and act for peace. 


‘Putting peace first’ becomes the priority today in our life. For that, without blaming and complaining, youth have to explore micro actions that they can undertake by which they can bring peace at the Macro level. 


Student volunteers of Peace Clubs, with the guidance of GPF will conduct five weekly sessions in the nearby schools campus to explore peaceful non-violent alternatives for the problems the youth face today.  


The club will also try to promote non-violent communication in interpersonal relationships, share peace messages in the school/college assemblies and also stage short skits for peace in school/college events. 


GPF will provide the content in the form of short stories and give orientation on theatre arts to the club members. Thus the club members will engage themselves in explorative, innovative and creative activities that will bring them holistic peace free from depression, stress and mobile addiction.

Interested colleges may contact the Foundation by email: gpfchennai@gmail.com