WIA organized a function to celebrate the National Integration and Communal Harmony Day function at AIWC School, Chinthathripet, Mount Road, Chennai.
The celebration was innovative and inclusive, bringing together participants from various fields, including nursing college students, parents of school students, daycare teachers, and office staff, symbolising togetherness, integration and harmony.
The children performed a soulful mime depicting religious harmony evolving into communal harmony.
Their performance was exceptional, with each child representing a religious group and transforming a statue to reflect their respective deity. The mime concluded beautifully, with the statue transitioning into our Indian National Flag, symbolizing unity in diversity.
A parent shared her heartfelt experience about the school and her son’s growth in this nurturing environment. She spoke about instilling positive values in her son daily, such as sharing snacks, practicing patience, avoiding unnecessary arguments, and embracing nonviolent approach.
A nursing student shared insights about their profession, emphasizing how they provide care to patients without discrimination based on gender.
Ms.Indhumathi in her short and sweet speech shared how childlike nature helps people to accept others as they are and how that emancipates as Harmony in our National level. She appreciated the students who did the mime.
Dr. S. Kulandaisamy highlighted that national integration begins with individuals and develops gradually, one step at a time. Similarly, communal harmony starts within families and extends outward to strengthen all relationships.
He prescribed ten basic steps that each and individual can practise in day to day lives that would ultimately culminate in peace and harmony in the national level.
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