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Putting Peace First

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Peace clubs in schools and colleges

The Chennai-based Gandhi Peace Foundation (GPF) is launching ‘Students Peace Clubs’ in schools and colleges this year, to empower students to think, talk, and act in peace. In today’s world, ‘putting peace first’ has become a priority. Without resorting to blame and complaints, the youth must explore micro-actions they can undertake to bring about peace on a macro level. Student volunteers of the Peace Clubs, guided by GPF, will conduct weekly sessions on campus to explore peaceful, non-violent alternatives to the problems faced by today's youth. The club will also promote non-violent communication in interpersonal relationships, share peace messages during school assemblies, and stage short skits advocating peace at school events. GPF will provide content in the form of short stories and offer orientation in theatre arts to club members. This way, members will engage in explorative, innovative, and creative activities that bring holistic happiness, free from depression, stress, and mobile addiction.
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Secretary - GPF, Madras

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Equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty…

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Blinded by desire that they cannot the pain and trouble…

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Indignation and dislike men who are like most beguiled demoralized.…

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Cause Description We need to collect 100,000,00 Het standaard stuk…

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